Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Childhood Trauma

 I am today mulling on this topic that keeps on coming up during my psychological counselling the internet I fo

Does Childhood Trauma Ever Go Away?

Polaroid photos held out by two hands

Many see childhood as a happy time when caregivers fulfill your needs, and you feel that all your dreams can come true. But for many people, this mainstream imagery does not reflect everyday reality. 

For many, events that occur during childhood build barriers to happiness later in life. And when you’re still dealing with childhood baggage into adulthood, you start to wonder, “Does childhood trauma ever go away?” Fear not! It truly is possible to create a healthy, safe place where you can thrive.

What is Childhood Trauma?

Childhood trauma is when a child at the age of 17 or younger, before you become an adult, experiences trauma. Childhood trauma and its aftermath can look different for each person. It is a highly individualized experience that typically falls into at least one of four Adverse Childhood Experiences categories.

The four main ACEs categories are:

  • Abuse. This category includes physical, verbal, emotional, and sexual abuse.
  • Neglect. Not providing for a child’s physical or emotional needs.
  • Household Challenges. This may include divorce, death or abandonment of guardians, or serious illness.  It can also include substance use disorder or mental illness in the home. 
  • Community Incidents. These include natural disasters, terrorism, or violence in the community.

The Effects of Childhood Trauma

Your body is remarkably resilient and can make heroic attempts to cope with traumatic events and their immediate aftermath. But, longer-lasting, negative physical and emotional impacts can creep up throughout life.

An intense fight-or-flight response to a particular event often causes physical health risks associated with childhood trauma. 

Childhood trauma can increase your risk of developing:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Stroke 
  • Obesity
  • Insomnia and nightmares
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Aches and pains
  • Addiction

The body’s emotional response can be equally as strong.


silhouette of woman dealing with childhood trauma and addiction


Reactions to traumatic, out-of-the-ordinary experiences include:

  • Shock
  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Withdrawing for society or those close to you
  • Feeling sad and lonely
  • Feeling disconnected and numb
  • Difficulty concentrating

The effects of childhood trauma can also manifest in less obviously connected ways and are worth exploring.

Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Childhood trauma can lead to adult survivors who suppress their anger. Being afraid to show anger can make survivors act sarcastic and isolate themselves, damaging their relationships.

Difficulty with Attachment

Those who experience a traumatic event before the age of 3 are more likely to have difficulty forming healthy, meaningful attachments to others.

Lack of Behavioral Control

Many people who experienced childhood trauma have diminished impulse control. They are more likely to do whatever they feel like in the moment without regard for consequences.

Victimhood Mentality

The perpetuation of being a victim of circumstances into adulthood can work to limit your growth.

Experiencing ACEs can put you at a higher risk of substance use disorder and physical and mental health issues as an adult. But to fully heal from childhood trauma, you must recognize that it’s still causing your distress today and seek help.

Does Childhood Trauma Ever Go Away?

Healing from early childhood trauma is possible through hard work and support. It often begins with self-discovery and understanding. Confronting your ACEs and the ways their effects have permeated your life can lead to acceptance. It can lead to a willingness to continue the healing process. 

Once you have faced and accepted your past experiences, some habits can help you reclaim your life.

Habits to help you heal from childhood trauma include:

  • Distance Yourself. Remove yourself from toxic people. Survivors can learn to remove themselves from those who hinder their sense of self-worth. They can progress toward achieving their highest potential.
  • Reduce Stress. Practice stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep.
  • Seek Support. This practice can help you connect with others in meaningful ways and can provide you with feelings of safety and security.
  • Mindfulness. Practice staying present in the moment and focusing on your positive connections and experiences.
  • Trigger Awareness. Learn to identify, understand, and control your reactions to trauma response triggers.