Monday, March 23, 2009

5. Time Management

The greatest discipline in this life is that of using your time wisely. Many of us treat time as an enemy not as a friend. They are angry on Monday and very happy when Friday comes.The said people exist instead of living. As a motivational speaker and marketer, time is a friend. Assuming that today was your last day on earth, how would you spend your day? this query will help us define the way we spend our time. To be a good time manager, i suggest 3 tips:
1. List down the time wasters in your life.
2. Plan your day before you spend it.
3. Attend 1st to the urgent/important issues.

The way we manage time determines the height we go in life. If you are a time waster, you will waste your life also. Let us assess/ evaluate the way we spend our time.