Thursday, September 3, 2009


The tongue is a small organ yet very important. It influences our world both positively or negatively. Every circumstance that comes our way can be changed for the best with the power of our words. I found this passage done by my mentor Robb Thompson a very rich treasure. Check it out!!!!

Words Are The Catalysts That Ignite The Fires Of Tomorrow.

"Likewise, look at the ships: though they are so great and are driven by rough winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the impulse of the helmsman determines."

James 3:4 (AMP)


In the 1850's, no European had ever set foot in the heart of Africa. Though mauled by a lion, separated from his family, and deserted by native helpers, Dr. David Livingstone resolutely spoke these words: "I shall open up a path into the interior or perish." As a result of this faith-filled statement and corresponding actions, Africa was fully opened to the gospel of Christ.

These Scriptures in James clearly reveal the invincible power of the tongue. Although the tongue may appear minuscule, it ultimately controls the actions of the entire body. James compares the tongue to a horse's bit (James 3:3); the one who controls that small bit has complete jurisdiction over the whole horse. James also uses a ship's rudder as an example; a rudder is usually very small in comparison to the ship, but when the captain turns that rudder, the huge ship turns along with it. Just as the rudder controls the destination of a ship, the tongue is the rudder of our lives. No matter how big life's problems appear, we must use our mouths to guide and steer us in the direction God desires. It takes time to direct a huge ship; likewise it also takes time for us to be transformed.

Circumstances don't change instantaneously. By continuing to confess His Word and keep the rudder turned, in due time our lives line up with what we say. As did the great Dr. Livingstone, let's confess that which we want to happen in the future instead of complaining about what we see today.

Daily Confession

Father, I thank You that I speak Your Word and I believe in my heart without doubting. I know the things I speak and believe will come to pass in my life.