Wednesday, September 15, 2010


After the long way to freedom,I have been evaluating my life and identified an area that needs maturity. The area of relationship. This is an area that has been a great challege from my childhood. I grew up in a pastor's family, where relationships with the opposite sex, were termed as wickedness. With this perspective being a major player in my habits, I hated wickedness with the whole of my heart. Any day my mind would think of a lady, I would kneel before God and curse my wicked mind. This was not to be so for long. The situation changed when I joined high school and met very able peers who expressed their emotions freely. I termed this as wickedness at first but soon realized that these guys were actually enjoying themselves. In my four years I had become a celebrity in breaking the heart of ladies. I would date a lady, then after going to bed with her,that would be the end of our affair. This habit become my character as I dated many ladies. After leaving high school,I joined college where freedom was guaranteed, I now had numberless affairs that lasted as long as we had not gone to bed. While this continued, I never knew that I was carving my destiny which was obviously not very good. Having left college and already making money, I decided to change for the best by giving my hand in marriage to a virgin girl. This to me would have tamed the wild Kiago. This conditioning worked for 1 year after our wedding. The worst happened when the monister resurfaced from its deserted pit. This time it was double what it used to be. Concurrent relationships made my day. I could not help sleeping out of my matrimonial home. My wife could not believe what I had amounted to. I never went to church, I drank wine in pubs and spent in lodges. My spiritual life was really affected. I could not help but venture into new relationships every dsy. I now want and desire change in my relationships. In the other areas, God has blessed me but in relationships, I need help.
With this mess, I have decided to write a book with the title: "Touching the heavenlies". The masterpiece will reveal all my romantic experiences and the lessons that can be picked from them.

I am still yours faithfully
