Monday, October 2, 2017

Club Tribeless


September 21, 2017
Dear Kenyans,
While we spend time discussing the events of the full judgment presented to us yesterday (20th September 2017), by the supreme-court, we need to remember that we live in Kenya and are therefore Kenyans. We can make or break our beloved nation. My view is, whichever political divide you come from, we can speak in one voice and address our Kenyan problems without killing each other and dividing the country further.   Prevention is better than cure, a stitch in time saves nine are a few proverbs that call for timeliness.
Tribe less nation initiative came to me in a dream where behold I saw a united country where peace prevailed. It was brought by Kenyans doing those things that make them forget their tribes. During these occasions Kenyans speak in unison. The events include but not limited to:
1.      Drinking together for the lovers of the bottle- every time we have drinks together with friends and or strangers unless otherwise we drink, dance and celebrate the contents of our wallets without remembering our tribe.
2.      Goat Eating- many of us love meat, we flock nyama choma joints to only consume meat, celebrate and have a tribe less moment
3.      Religious events- when people meet to pray, listen to the word being divided both in churches and mosques, we speak in one voice. We sing songs together, pay tithes and offerings without complains.
4.       Drama Festivals- as students gather for these festivals held once a year, they speak in one voice. They present coro-verses, poems, dances, solo verses e. t. c. here they forget their tribes and focus on competing to win these festivals.
5.      Catastrophes and major accidents- great among them are serious catastrophes such as bomb blasts, accidents on our major roads, school fires, building collapse, here the nation mourns together regardless of their tribes. We see volunteers go to the extremes of saving lives without minding their own.
6.      The Laugh industry- whenever we are watching rib cracking jokes such as those in Churchill shows, Dr. Ofwenikes, Jalangos, 1000 laughs at Bomas, we forget ethnicity and laugh together
7.      Common problem shows- great among them are the classic 105 show by Maina Kageni and Kingangi that unites all Kenyans. Tribe here is not a matter. Women and men speak in one voice.
8.      Rallies- while watching rallies such as those sponsored by Kenya Commercial Bank, we see Kenyans united and cheering the Kenyan drivers.
9.      Sports- watching our athletics teams brings us together. We cheer these teams without ethnicity. We are proud that our Kenyan team represented us.
10.  Singing the national anthem- the anthem unites all Kenyans
11.  Weddings and bashes- we forget our tribe and enjoy the moment
12.  Demonstrations on poor infrastructure- whenever roads are in critical condition, we chant together and critic the governments responsible.
13.  Safaricom Twaweza Initiatives- we have seen a lot of such initiatives e. g. bring Zac Home, Major surgeries, harambees, get immense support. In such initiatives we forget our tribes.
14.  The Githeri Man- sharing fabricated photos made this man, a celeb.

Things that bring Kenyans together

These events or activities can be used to bring together Kenyans thus countering the negative ethnicity.

What divides Kenyans

1.       The social media- negative comments & rumors
2.       Political differences and opinions
3.       Religious dogmas and inclinations
4.       Elections

Why then don’t we learn

1.       In 1992, we lost our properties in Rift valley. The post-election violence displaced many families living in Rift Valley.
2.       In 1994, while in High school inter-tribal clashes rocked us when in school and we were displaced again.
3.       In 1997 mild tribal post-election rocked our country again
4.       In  2002 we saw the repeat of post- election clashes
5.       In 2007 many lives were lost, property destroyed and just to highlight a case in point, “The Kiambaa Massacre”.
6.       In 2013, there were no notable post-election clashes. The warring functions merged to form what is currently called Jubilee Party.
7.       In 2017, the demos, death of fellow Kenyans in parts of Kisumu, Kibera, Mathare and other areas is an indication of a serious clashes eruption in an event of election results.

What then

It is time we come together and speak in one voice before and after the repeat of these presidential elections.
By use of opinion leaders, celebs and media, let us shout our voices to the political class that we are united.
While media has played the role in disseminating hate speech, why can’t it spread the good news of UNITY?
Bring all the 47 counties together in activities that bind us together.

Rwanda Learnt the hard way

We can learn from them before we get there. Let us curse negative ethnicity and be ambassadors of peace…..

Yours truly,
Kiago Wangunyu