Thursday, March 28, 2024


In my muttering today, i highlight on 2 main books that I have read this year. The 5 AM Club and The Monk Who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma have been instruments of my transformation. They say books help discover yourself. Through reading of these 2 masterpieces in our book club in Ethiopia, i am getting to discover myself and getting aware of Who I am truly. 

Through the readership of the 5 AM book I quit smoking and affirmed my decision to quit alcohol drink. I fasted for 3 days(dry fast). This has brought back discipline to my life. While reading the monk who sold his Ferrari, I have been honoring a ritual of jogging (physical fitness) and introspection.

Discipline is the key to achieving greatness, books contain wisdom from those who failed or made mistakes and therefore, we can correct what we do wrong everyday by expanding our horizons through developing a reading culture.

Next Month I read the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin and then in May the famous Mahatma Gandhi's Autobiography and then in June read Marcus Aurelius masterpiece. I dedicate my life to read at least 12 enriching books every year...I am well able to do that...

I remain 


