Saturday, August 6, 2011


NUGGET 27: ADAPTATION- 6th August 2011
- One of the most crucial components to a good relationship is adaptability.
- If a man or a woman can maintain some flexibility , roll with the punches and adapt to various unforeseen circumstances of life, they have a much better chance of handling the stresses and strains that every marriage is bound to encounter.
- Adaptability stems from a good, solid self-conception. Show me a person who is able to adapt to the circumstances life throws at him, and I'll show somebody whose self-esteem is not tied to what he does, who knows his name, or what he has. He is able to adapt because deep inside he knows he is a person of value, so wherever he is or whatever he does, his life will continue to have intrinsic worth.
- Adaptability opens the doors to communication, negotiation and compromise.
- Most of us don't like change , we prefer our comfort zones, the tried and true, but sure enough, just about the time we begin to sit back and relax,something comes along to rock our world.
- Having a similar measure of adaptability should be a deciding factor concerning your future together.