Thursday, August 4, 2011


- All marriages have conflicts.
- When you see a great marriage, often the 2 people are unique, lively personalities, and they have options or practices that vary from each other's. The couple experience disagreements over these differences, but the effort they put forth to work through their conflict actually makes their relation stronger and both of them better people.
- Don't run away from conflicts. Learn to deal with it.
- In a good relationship both partners must be good at resolving conflict. Those who do best in marriage are the couples who learn how to resolve disputes before they say "I do"
- If you are going to marry well, you must learn to deal with conflicts, how to understand them how to manage them, and how you can make them work for you instead of against you.
- You can't resolve a conflict by ignoring it, sweeping it under the rug, or pretending that it doesn't exist.
- Unresolved conflicts have an extremely high rate of resurrection
- Conflict resolution can be easily learnt.
- The 5 model to resolve conflict involves:
1. Acknowledge that having a conflicts is okay.
2. Allow your partner to explain why she/he feels the way she/he does-"seek to understand before you are understood"
3. Pinpoint precisely what you disagree about.
4. Compromise for the good of the relationship.
5. Congratulate each other for resolving any conflict.
- Avoid selfishness in a relationship.
- In a good relationship, the number of conflicts should go down over time.
