Monday, April 19, 2021

Powered By Love Initiative (Some projects from the Archives)



PROJECT TITLE: Powered By Love Peace Initiative









PRESENTED BY: Standby Management Solutions





PRESENTATION DATE: 29th November 2011



Kenya is a sovereign country that gained its independence in 1963. It has very many natural resources and skilled personnel. It however has been wrapped up by many scenes of chaos.  

Powered by love peace initiative is a project that aims at promoting peaceful coexistence among the communities in Kenya. After the 1992, 1997, 2002 and 2007 post election, the recurrence is a sign of unaddressed issues.

This project will engage the opinion leaders in the communities, religious leaders, students and influential persons in Kenya. By use of Motivational talks, conferences, barazas, Peace safari rallies, formation of peace clubs in schools, symposiums, dramas, students’ essays on peace and finally shoot a movie entitled “The Kenya we long for”. Our focus is to mould Kenya by ensuring that the young generation grasps the foundational principles of peaceful coexistence.

The movie and essays booklet will be a representation of the Kenya we are willing to mould into.  Annual events such as peace safari rallies, dramas, symposiums and conferences will be organized at a national level to enhance cohesion and integration among the communities.

The program is in line with Kenyan vision 2030 and thus an impetus to the realization of cohesion as stated in vision 2030. It will run in the 47 counties and add more emphasis on those counties that have repeatedly been affected by post election violence.  

The program will run on an event based budget. Standby Management Solutions will present its budget before the event to the Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs for approval and funding, however the schedule of events will be presented at the beginning of each financial year.


Kenya is in a mess. Negative ethnicity is on its highest toll. Kenyans are divided by their political affiliations and tribal grounds. Elders are passing the negative ethnicity button to their sons and daughters and thus a repeat of what has been happening in Kenya is inevitable in our generations unless there is an intervention. The time to suppose that there is no problem is far much gone. We need to address this menace while the wounds are still flesh. If you study the trend of post election chaos from 1992-2007, you realize that there was an intense increase in magnitude of the chaos. Whereas in 1992 the chaos only hit parts of Rift valley, the 2007chaos rocked almost the entire country.  Scars of social injustices are evident in the country thus calling for urgent surgery.

Stereotyping is a common aspect in the country where communities have negatively branded others and categorized them based on social lies. Entrenched negative attitudes are very common in Kenya. Many believe that the state they are in was been dictated by the other communities that are privileged.  

Leaders in Kenya are using any available means to make more money for themselves and rise higher in their power dispensation. Many do not mind those they represent. This is a culture that is evident in our beloved country and has been passed on to generations.  There is need for an immediate intervention.

In our education system, the introductory curriculum teaches us the migration and origin of individual tribes and fails to introduce us to principles of peace building and conflict resolution. Rather than introducing the message of peace at children’s tender age, our system has been promoting ethnicity.

Many children have been orphaned by the chaos. These orphans may in future excogitate a revenge mission. For us to prevent all these revenge missions we need to intervene.  



Changing of entrenched negative attitudes is a critical thing. We need many years of psychosocial services to transform one to a new level. The powered by love peace Initiative will emphasize on changing the culture in the country through:

üMotivational talks- repetition is the mother of all skills. Repeated talks to the people of Kenya will breed seeds of cohesion and integration. Charismatic talks in Schools, barazas and religious settings will emphasize on the aspects of peaceful coexistence. This can be done in line with the already existing Brand Kenya activities.

üSymposiums/ congress - students will discuss the principles of good neighbourhood, the national anthem and finally write essays for the Kenya they long to have. The symposiums will first be held at the county level, and then the winners will contest at the national level. Their written essays will be printed into a booklet which will be read in all the Kenyan Schools. These symposiums will be categorized into Primary, Secondary schools, Tertiary colleges and Universities.

üPeace safari rallies- we love sports and specifically the rallying of safari motorcars. In the events of sports, people cheer together thus the project will ensure an annual safari rally with vehicles braded: “We are Kenyans”. 

üDramas and shooting of a movie entitled “The Kenya we long for”- the Naija movies are evident in most of our table rooms. The movies have a way of influencing our minds. They have a lot of impact on families that watch them. Powered by Love peace initiative will use the talents and the machinery in the country and abroad to drive the point of peaceful coexistence home.

üSetting up of peace clubs in Kenyan schools- this will be done by training patrons who will foster the curriculum of peace in schools.


vTo bring together communities in an open forum, where they can discuss the issues that affect them.

vTo promote peaceful coexistence through advocacy of positive ethnicity.

vTo redefine Kenyan communities by changing entrenched negative attitudes against their neighbours.

vTo use events that are commonly embraced by Kenyans without realizing that they are from different tribes.

vTo paint a picture of the Kenya we long for through dramas, traditional dances and movies.

vTo make peaceful coexistence a common talk in the market place.

vTo reintroduce patriotism in the country’s future generations.


As is the mandate of Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs, in emphasizing cohesion in our beloved country, SMS believes that it shall partner with Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs as long as there are discords in the society. We have to however realize that our vision is in line with the Kenyan vision 2030.  

Two years contracts are what we suggest as our basis of our partnership.






Motivational talks

1 day


47 counties


1 week


County and National

Peace Safari rallies




Drama/ Movie

1 week



Peace clubs/ formation and recruitment

1 week


County level


N/B we suggest a drama week in Kenya where aspects of cohesion and integration will be aired.  

Standby Management Solutions will however fit in the relevant programs of Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs.


The budget will be determined on event by event basis. This will be presented after the approval/ determination of the viability of the powered by love peace initiative.


The projects will be evaluated after completion of every event. We intend to use feedback mechanisms to gather information on the impact of the project: use of questionnaires and preset impact assessment tools will be engaged.



Thank you and God bless.

Ezekiel Kiago Wangunyu