Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Turning Lemon into Lemonade

As I was walking to town this morning, I begun wondering why many of us complain that jobs are rare. My attention was drawn immediately to a lady who was selling lemons by the roadside. To my great astonishment, there was a customer buying the lemon and drawing juice from the lemon and selling it at a higher price. The lemonade dealer, seemed to have more customers than the lemon dealer. It dawned on me that we have many opportunities than the ones we see with our naked eyes.
Today we enjoy an article on the attitudes of a hero. For us to leave a mark in the society we are living in, we have to change adversity into opportunity (changing lemons into lemonade). We cannot go far unless we make a way where there is no way. One man said, " In life you either follow a way or you make your your own way." I agree with this man totally. The world we are living in demands strong people who against great odds still breakthrough. That is the heart of a hero. A never say die attitude. They persistently fight until they win. The hero of our time have a history. Ask them and they will tell you that they conquered certain adversity. They will tell you of a time they felt in adequate and thus increased their reality of this area. Reading autobiographies is instrumental to changing realities/ context.
I encourage you today to go out and try a new thing that you feared doing yesterday. It is in trying that we land on our Eureka moment(we step on a golden idea)
Many of the great/ wealthy men in the world solved a problem that existed in the society: e. g. The Wright brothers- Men could not fly to flight, Thomas Edison- No good bulbs to incandescent bulbs, President Obama- from racialist America to free America. This is turning lemons into lemonade.

Turn all your lemons into lemonade