Thursday, September 9, 2010


'Freedom is coming tomorrow' is a song that was done in South Africa as its citizen fought tirelesslly from the captivity of their colonial masters. Iam in my office today and thinking about my financial freedom. Your and My freedom are pegged on our daily efforts to be better than we were yesterday. The secret I have on this long walk is forever moving forward amidst obstacles. Have you ever desired something and realized that at first it looked very impossible, then when you achieved it become like play? then keep on desiring big things and you will forever get big results.
My experince this year has been very outstanding. I desired to venture into transport as from June this year, this happened in August when i acquired my first bus. I have come to the conclusion that "You get what you desire"
I Desire financial freedom before I turn forty. This is my financial desire and will pursue it with all have. What do you desire badly and cannot live without it?
I wish you a blessed evening.