Tuesday, February 24, 2009


As we try to define politics in Kenya, we use a short dialogue between a young adult (Ian) and his dad. Their discussion was based on choice of career before the release of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K. C. S. E) results in February. Their discussion follows;
DAD: Ian thank you very much for being an obedient son. You have made me proud in this village.
IAN: dad you take all the glory. You are a good example. You are my second role model after Jesus, who walked His talk.
DAD: Thanks son for considering me to be your role model. I had earlier thought that your role models were our politicians. Didn't you say before writing your exams that you are a politician in the making? And that you liked the leadership styles of Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Anwar El Saddat, Daniel arap Moi, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King Jr. among other great leaders?
IAN: I mentioned these leaders because of their outstanding leadership traits.
Sacrifice, brotherhood, vision, community emancipation, integrity, dedication, diligence, internal locus of control, responsibility, enthusiasm e. t. c. Most of them did not own property, some were assassinated and some served their countries without payments. To name but a few, Mahatma Gandhi who left India for South Africa to deliver "his people" who were in deep oppression. He used his money to chart this worthy cause.
DAD: I never thought that you had read Mahatma's autobiography! It is a captivating masterpiece?
IAN: Books are the voices of the distant and those though are dead yet live. They are a priceless ingredient of African freedom. Information is power. Lack of information deforms its people whereas its adequacy transforms that nation.
DAD: Have you ever read 'The Centurion Principles' by Colonel O’Leary?
IAN: I borrowed it from the Champions Library, Eldoret. It is all our politicians need to read in order to lead effectively. I realized that leadership is a calling not profession.
DAD: Did you see that part that outlines Centurions traits?
IAN: Interesting, I marked it, wrote the part down, visualized myself living it and memorized it. How can you use your money for 25 years to champion the cause of your nation?
DAD: We are getting political. Let us finalize on your career choice. What will you pursue in life?
IAN: I would have been a politician were it not for the politicians. But that not withstanding I will excel in servant leadership, leadership by the people and for the people.
DAD: Ian if you were elected in 2012 your age not withstanding, what would you do?
IAN: I would raise a generation of integrity, kick ignorance out of Kenya by setting up motivational resource centers in each province, district, location and village. These resource centers would have autobiographies, biographies among other motivational books. I would empower the youth through capacity building forums, and encourage them to use the youth fund available in our government's budget and most banks, and preach peace amongst the 42 communities in Kenya.
DAD: Wise vision son! I would vote for you as my president.