Sunday, August 7, 2011


- It might surprise you to discover that in survey after survey, both men and women rate kindness as the second most important quality to look in a mate.
- Men rate vitality as the number one trait, while women rate security as number one trait. Both rate kindness as number two.
- Watch carefully how your partner treats his or her family members, business associates, friends, or even strangers. Does he rail at other drivers on the highway? Does she cut people off as she is exiting the parking garage, or does she allow people to pull out in front of her?
- Don't be fooled by his/her kindness in your initial dating days: flowers are not enough to determine her/his kindness.
- Observe acts and attitudes of kindness in the little things,watch for him to open the car door for you, does he thank you when you bring in the mail for her? Does he offer unsolicited compliments on your new sweater or blouse?
- Are basic acts and words of consideration; such as "please", "thank you"and "No thank you" a regular part of your partner's conversation? When you and your partner treat each other with the sort of kindness it will enrich your relationship, whether you eventually marry or not.
- The truly great marriages are those in which both partners express, reciprocate and appreciate kindness.
- When you are considering a person as a possible marriage partner, make sure he/she is a kind person. And while you are at it, be sure that the person whose face you see in your mirror is kind person as well.