Friday, September 28, 2018


Life is progressive, babies learn to crawl, walk and then make decisions. Handling conflicts is a life skill each of us my embrace. To sum it all, as laid down by a good friend of mine Beth,"Don’t Facebook Your Problems or post on social media Face Them Head-on: Some things are just not meant to be shared publicly on Facebook. Regardless of how frustrated, angry or disappointed you are, don’t shame yourself by parading your personal or family problems on public forums. Posting personal or family problems on Facebook attracts more problems than solutions and it actually empowers your enemies with privileged insider information that can be used against you. Far too many people that we share our problems with aren’t even interested in hearing them. If you are really angry, frustrated or disappointed first go in the inner room and pour your heart to God in earnest prayer. Secondly, give yourself time to calm down, analyze the situation logically and determine a constructive action to take. Thirdly, if there is a need, calmly and privately approach the offender with a plan to seek understanding, resolution or reconciliation. If you need to seek advice or mediation, consult only with godly, prayerful and trusted people who will give you impartial biblical advice - people who will tell you the truth you need to hear. Above all let your problems be known to God. He is the only one who has your best interest at heart."