Wednesday, September 26, 2018


This year is an year of overflow. This book has taken us 11 years to publish. Finally a book in Mathematics called "The Math Booster" has come out for those who desire to excel in this subject and life. 
We have reviewed the book as below:

"Life is a game of numbers. To hack it, we must master every transaction we encounter on a day-to-day basis. Math on the other hand involves simple principles which when mastered, brings the learner to a level where they can solve any Math and life challenge. The Math Booster is a collection of all those principles that transform the readers attitude towards prowess in Math and life in general. Principles of positive mental attitude, practice and personal discipline are highlighted and expounded in a simplified manner. We recommend it to every learner be it in Math or life. 
Enjoy and be transformed as you imbibe the wisdom contained in this masterpiece. 
To order the book, call Ezekiel  (Charisma logistics) on 0720545788 .
For a consideration of KES 1,000 only."