Sunday, July 31, 2011



-Some people are naturally curious it is part of their core personality traits- they want to know how things work, why people do the things they do, what ,makes the difference between success or failure, what something looks, tastes, or feels like.

- They have a natural inquisitiveness and will ask you a million questions about everything from "what's it like to be a counsellor?" "why do you like to wear a blue shirt? they are not being snoopy, they honestly are fascinated with the details.

- A couple may be passing by a neighbourhood and one says "Oh look at the progress they are making on that new house upon the hill" The other says, "That is great, did you notice they still haven't fixed that brick on the curb." This is curiosity but not to the same things.

- Some people read newspapers to satisfy their curiosity, other watch news for information(this is curiosity)

- Having dissimilar amounts of curiosity would not necessarily be a deal breaker in a relationship, but it is something to consider seriously. People enjoy greater satisfaction if they relate more easily in this dimension.