Monday, July 25, 2011



• If one person likes life to be rather predictable and prefers to plan for events such as birthday parties, vacations or weddings, you are probably dealing with a traditional type of personality.
• On the other hand, if you or your partner loves to just “go with the flow” doing what comes naturally or whatever happens to inspire at the moment, you should expect a lot of spontaneity and non-traditional personality quirks.
• The problem of curse is that when a planner and a free spirit get together; you will usually end up with friction leading to spontaneous combustion.
• Sometimes non traditional people have grown up with frustration and anger in relation to the pressures of societal customs, their anger is buried deeply in within or expressed in more acceptable ways; promoting fragrantly anti-traditional lifestyles, as can be seen in many activists groups.
• The non-traditional are saying. “I’ve been hurt and I’m mad, and i am not going to confirm to you or anyone else”. They carry their social anger with them long after the fact they do not want to give the traditional society any credit.
• Other non-traditional types simply enjoy the freedom to be different. They don’t want to be encumbered by the constraints of “Norman society” . they regard traditionalism as boring.
• If you are a traditionalist type try to maintain a relationship with a non-traditional person, it can keep you feeling disorganized and disconcerted.
• What complicates matters more is that people with opposite personality traits often find each other extremely attractive. Mark Twain observed that there are two kinds of people in this world; one who is always ten minute early, and another ten minutes late. Furthermore, Twain added sardonically, “ They are always married to each other!”
• Opposites do attract, they click for a while because they complement other. If they happen to marry, person proceed to pursue the prime purpose of marriage (in their mind at least) attempting to change his or her partner into a reproduction of himself or herself.