Monday, July 25, 2011


NUGGET 16: AMBITION; 26th July 2011
If you have ever tried to motivate a person with low ambition, you probably understand well what we mean by disparity and parity in ambition.
- Matching in ambition is not primarily a matter of how much ambition you and your partner have; the important issue is that you have similar amounts of ambition.
- A highly motivated, competitive, zealous, “Get-up-get-moving-get-ahead” type of person is simply not going to enjoy being married to a person who is content with the status quo and merely wants to “kick back and enjoy life”
- If there is a great discrepancy between the amount of ambition the two partners possess, inevitably there will be stress and increased conflict in that relationship. One person passionately wants to pursue his or her goals while the other person resents the time, effort, money and energy expended to do so.
- Problems due to differences in ambition levels will surface most often within the first 5 to 10 years of marriage. Unquestionably this is why so many people on a fast track in their careers have trouble holding their marriages together.
- Men and women who pour themselves into their careers – some because the career demands it, other s because they are simply so passionate about it- have little left to give to their spouses at a time when the spouses really need them.
- Two people, who are on similar tracks regarding ambition, can be tremendous encouragers to each other.
- If you find someone with whom you can share a similar level of ambition, your life together can be one of contentment, even when you are working in some frenetic way to accomplish a task, beat a deadline, or meet a need.
- Just make sure that you both match in regard to ambition. Otherwise, your relationship is likely to suffer, especially in the area of sexual passion and intimacy.
I remain blessed