Thursday, July 21, 2011


- This dimension may be considered more malleable than others. You can go back to school or take online correspondences courses to get more education even if you are retirement age. But it's still wise to count the costs.
- As much as they may desire to do so, most people do not go back to school once they are out of their thirties. Its advisable to look at where you are today when trying to find your soul mate, rather than where you want to be when you complete the next phase of your self-help program.
- Having similar educational backgrounds,matter in marriages. If you are closely matched in your levels of education, at the very minimum you should have a similar appreciation for the value of education and the hard work that it requires.
- Usually educated women need to be matched with men who have equal or better levels of education.
- While it cannot be denied that many marriages work well despite educational inequality, the issue of having a degree becomes more important if your family places a lot of emphasis on "getting your education". If that is your history, you should definitely avoid dating relationships with people of the opposite sex who do not have a good bit of formal education or at least a great appreciation for it and who would find that part of your personality valuable, attractive and appealing.
- A partner who has lower level of education than his/her partner usually has an attitude of"here he/she is looking down at me."
- The disparity in education levels surfaces when you attend parties, meet co-workers and friends and your partner feels embarrassed and awkward.
- If you will find someone who is a lot like you, you can avoid some of the hurt and pain that come from being mismatched in the area of education. Again, it is not a question of how much education you or your partner have or don't have; the important issue is how closely you match.
- While it is impossible to attach grade levels or degrees to marital happiness, it seems that couples who are closer in academic achievements are better matched in other areas as well.
