Wednesday, July 20, 2011


- Perhaps in no area is it more crucial to be well matched than in the area of spirituality.
- Spirituality is among those traits that are relatively difficult to change, especially when it seems so much of modern religion tends to focus on conversion from one spiritual state to the another.
- If 2 people are on different wavelengths when it comes to issues of spirituality, one or both of them are going to think the other is a little off his or her rocker!
- People who are not spiritual have difficulty in understanding those who are spiritually inclined.
- People who have similar spiritual perspectives will do much better together.
- Two partners in marriage will have the most satisfaction when they share the most agreement in their faith. Christians are best placed to marry Christians, Jews to Jews, Muslims to Muslims.
- Mixing religious faiths does not make each stronger it dilutes both.
- Within Christianity its good if you marry within your general denomination- Catholics with Catholics, Protestants with Protestants.
- Most world problems are usually of religious origin.
- A marriage is headed for trouble when one person wants to get greatly involved in the church, attend Bible studies, and prayer sessions, give a minimum of 10% 0f his or her income to the church, while the other person has no interest in such matters.
- Discover that marriage, family, and spiritual life belong together. Talk through your spiritual similarities and differences preferably before you get married.
- To have a successful marriage it is important that you and your mate are similar in your beliefs about the role of religion in your lives.
- Two totally irreligious people have better chance of fairing well in marriage than a couple divided by spiritual matters.
- Have a spiritual match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
