Tuesday, July 26, 2011


NUGGET 17: SEXUAL PASSION; 27th July 2011-12-20
A couple visited a therapist to express their feeling on their sexual life; she complained, “He wants sex all the time. At least 4 times a week” on a split screen, he tells the doctor they almost never have sex: “Four times a week at most.”
- This dimension is one which partners who want a good relationship must be rather closely matched.
- It simply makes good sense that in this most intimate of human interaction, a man and a woman ought to have similar attitudes, interests and desires.
- If a man has a great deal of testosterone and his wife has low sexual desire that is a formula for trouble. The man will feel rejected and the woman will feel badgered, manipulated and used every time he pushes her for more sexual intimacy.
- A woman wants to know what a man is thinking, what he is feeling, she wants him to care about her and to be interested in what she is thinking and feeling before she ever considers sharing her body with him. Men think, “Let’s just have sex and then we’ll talk...if we absolutely must.”
- If you have been with the same man for a while, and he never pressures you for sex and never wants to “take you out to the woods”, and if he never wants to play his radio in the car with the headlights off and no moon in the sky, and if he never really puts the pressure on you to make an important boundary decision in the area of sex, be careful of that man!
- You want a marriage partner who is highly sexualized.
- If you want to make a determination about how you will do sexually with a man, KISS HIM. The kiss is the best diagnostic devise known to mankind for determining how you and your mate’s level of sexual excitement will compare. If imaginary flames fly all around you when your lips touch, then you know that you probably have plenty of passion there.
- Sexual bonding before marriage reduces objectivity. Therapists discourage sexual involvement with your partner before marriage.
- The desire to touch, kiss hold each other and other physical expressions flow naturally in a truly loving relationship. To give free reign to them before you are married is foolish. Have self-discipline.
- One day a pilot was flying into a busy airport during a storm, just as the plane was about to touch down, he made a split-second decision to lift back-up. What the passengers didn’t know at the time was that another plane was coming in on the same runway from the opposite direction. After landing he explained to the passengers: “Oh I made that decision 15 years ago”. He had learnt to deal with crisis while in college. We also need to learn how to deal/ control sexual passion before venturing into marriage. If you cannot control your sexual passion before marriage, you will not control it in marriage.
- Prepare for marriage before getting into it.....

I remain blessed