Tuesday, July 19, 2011


NUGGET 9: ENERGY LEVELS:19th July 2011
Disparity in energy levels causes problems and troubles in many relationships. By energy levels we mean the ability to invest your energy on tasks before you. The duration you can pursue these tasks determines whether your level of energy is high or low. Low energy level persons are at times seen as lazy, while those with high levels of energy are termed as hardworking.
- Marriages in which both partners have similar energy levels seem to be more successful.
- Anytime one person has a lot of energy and the other has little, the satisfaction of both partners is reduced drastically in the marriage. This energy level aspect sometimes come in your sexual relationship where one partner is ready for sex at the slightest encouragement while the other partner says, "Not tonight, sweetheart. I'm tired"
- Two low-energy individuals can get along just fine and be perfectly content, as long as the other areas of their relationship are solid.
- Still some people operate on low wattage. They seem to drag their heels through life, never in a hurry, never highly motivated to do much of anything.
- This dimension is rarely covered by counselors and religious leaders. Commonsense tells us that you want to be married to somebody who is very similar to you in this practical area.
Am blessed,
Says Kiago