Thursday, July 28, 2011


Most people tend to hold their value close to their hearts. Certainly you want to be closely aligned with your partner on any strongly held beliefs or convictions, including your attitude towards faith, patriotism, how to raise children, or a host of ethical and character issues.
-It is also critical for marital partners to have similar values concerning the everyday essentials of living for instance, if you have a value that promotes saving money, opposed to a value of spending money lavishly on yourself.You don't want to marry a person whose value in this area is too dissimilar to yours.
- If you and your partner are not similar in your attitudes toward the earnings, saving, giving and spending of money, you are getting yourself up for a lifetime of struggles if you get married.
- Money matters so much because many of us believe that money is power, to some it means security, control or also independence.
- You may be reluctant to admit it, but your money is a reflection of you. It means it is simple to see where your priorities, commitments and other values lie merely by examining how you earn and spend your money. The way we use money reflects our security or insecurities in the are of our self-conception.
- Also check your values on political and socials issues. If you value caring for the need, you don't want to marry someone who is not moved by their infirmities.

I remain Blessed
